Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"summer is sweet but fall is cozy."

this was taken on one of our last nice days of summer.
i look forward to fall weather.
summer is sweet but fall is cozy.
it's coffee in the morning and tea before bed. 
it's funky patterned socks 'n sneakers.
it's probably leaving your umbrella on the bus... for the third time.
it's spending the night in and baking something warm and comforting.
it's spending the night in and reading the Word.
it's spending the night in and working on that recording that you'd been meaning to do months ago.
it's spending the night in and reflecting on your day. your week. the month. 
it's waking up to the pitch black morning & walking to work as the sun is rising. 
it's realizing you wore too many layers and having to strip off a layer. or three.
it's soaking in a nice bubbly bath until your fingers have turned to prunes.
it's chilly and damp.
it's Baby's first steps into winter.

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